Ages noun long time
Alco noun someone who's always drunk
Amadán(Omadhan) noun idiot
Arse noun backside
Ask me arse/bollocks; go and shite; eff off phrase general was of telling someone to shut up
As sharp as a beach ball/Not the sharpest tool in the shed / s used when talking about someone of rather questionable intelligence
As sick as a small hospital / a person who in a very bad health condition
As small as a mouse's diddy / speaking of something of very small size
As useless as tits on a bull/As uselss as a chocolate teapot / ways of saying that something or someone is of no proper use to society
At it verb macking love
Bad dose noun tough time with illness
Balls noun male genitalia or courage ( someone has balls)
Ball; to have a phrase to have fun
Bap noun bread bun
A bigger bollox has never put his arm through a coat phrase There has never been a bigger idiot
Bird noun girl generally, girlfriend
Bite the back of my bollox phrase leave me alone
Black stuff, the noun Guiness
Bleedin' deadly adjective brilliant, great
Bleedin´deadly adjective brilliant, great
Bloody adjective strengthing adjective
Bold adjective naughty
Bollocking noun to "give out" to someone
Bollocks noun somebody stupid or unpleasant
Bolloxed adjective very drunk
Boozer noun Pub
Brilliant adjective great
Brutal adjective terrible
Business noun I have to do me business - I have to take a poo
Business noun That`s great - It`s the business
Cake hole noun mouth
Cha (tsha) noun Tea
Chancer noun dodgy/suspicious character
Cheek noun disrispekt
Chipper noun fish and chip shop
Chips noun french fries
Cock manger noun urinals
Cod verb to cod someone - to have someone on
Cool as a cucumber phrase when someone is very cool
Cop on (to yourself)/get a grip / dont act stupid/ get a grip of reality
Craic (pronounced "crack") noun fun
Culchie noun mocking word for a country person
Deadly adjective really cool, great
Desperate adjective very bad
Dote noun darling, a lovely person
Drink Link noun ATM, bank machine
Dry Shite noun a boring Person
Eat the head off, to phrase to attack someone verbally
Eejit noun idiot
Fag noun cigarette
Fair play to you phrase Well done/ Good job
Feck noun Irish form of the F word
Fib noun a little lie
Fire away phrase keep going
Flick noun movie, film/ e.g. chick flick - girlie movie
Fry noun Irish breakfast
Gaff noun house, home
Gander noun a look around
Gas adjective very funny
Gear noun clothes
Get off with someone phrase to make out with someone
Git noun brat
Give out to someone phrase to attack someone verbally
Gobshite noun idiot
Grand adjektive fine, alright, "I'm grand"
Hank Marvin rhyme phrase Starving, very hungry
Happy Out verb to be in a good situation, to be happy out
Howya phrase how are you?
I've a mouth on me phrase I'm hungry
I've a throat on me phrase I'm thirsty
Jacks noun toilet
Jammers adjective crowded
Jammy adjective lucky
Jaysus exclam Jesus
Kip, to have a noun to take a nap
Knacker noun gypsy
Knackered verb very tired, exhausted
Knocked up verb pregnant
Langer noun a person of disklike
Langeres adjective drunk
Lashing verb raining hard
Legging it verb to run very fast
Letting on verb to lead someone on, string someone along
Local noun the nearest Pub
Locked verb drunk
Lock in noun whe a few people stay in Pub after closing time to have some drinks with the staff
Loopers adjective crazy
Lush noun someone who likes to consume considerable amounts of alcohol on regular basis
Manky adjective dirty, disgusting
Messing verb joking, playing
Mind yourself phrase watch out, be careful
Minerals noun nonalcoholic drinks
Mingin adjective dirty, disgusting
Mortified adjective to be embarresed
Mouldy adjective rotten, bad
Off Licence noun the liqour store
Off my face, to be phrase to be very drunk or on drugs
On the piss phrase to be out drinking
Petrified adjective drunk
Pissed off, to be phrase to be angry
Pisshead noun Piss up
Piss up noun drinking spree
Plastered adjective drunk
Plonker noun idiot
Pòg mo thòin phrase gealic for "kiss my arse"
Polluted adjective drunk
Pull verb to be successfull with the opposite sex, "to have a pull"
Puss noun moody face
Quid noun money
Rashers noun bacon used for an Irish breakfast
Row noun fight, argument
Savage adjective very good
Scabby, Stingy adjective to always try to get something for free and never give anything away to other people
Scuttered adjective drunk
Session noun to drink over a long period of time/ all day long
Shattered adjective very tired, exhausted
Shitting a brick phrase to be nervous/scared
Slapper noun slut
Snot rag noun handkerchief
Sound adjective very good
Sprog noun child
Spud noun potatoe
Steamed adjective very drunk
The shit has hit the fan phrase something very bad has happend and caused a gerneral chrisis
Thick adjective stupid - "thick as a brick"
Tip noun dump, dirty place
Tool noun stupid soul
Touched adjective someone who seems a little bit strange
Twisted adjective drunk or somewhat crazy
Up da duff adjective pregnant
Vitamine G noun Guiness
Wagon noun an ugly woman
Wrecked adjective very tired, exhausted